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MidnightSky Ascent [v5] Patch Notes



MidnightSky Update Log

MidnightSky Ascent Season Expected Timeline
Island Value
Pet Leash & Pet Hunter Mask
New Enchant Gems
/skins, /pets, /enchants

MidnightSky Ascent Season Expected Timeline
Dates to expect certain events:

  • July 24th | MidnightSky v4.4 Release
  • July 31st, 12 AM CST | /is top Top 10 Confirmations [End of /is top competition]
  • August 2nd, 4 PM CST | Server will officially be down

Island Value Calculation
Introduction to Island Value Calculation:

  • Island Value Calculation will now be based upon your total island points and spawner value.
  • Island Points will multiply your spawner value to create what is called "True Island Value"
  • True Island Value and Island Level will determine your /is top ranking.
  • Island Level will take first priority, then island true value will take priority after.
  • The islands with the highest level and true value will win the top 10.

Pet Leash & Pet Hunter Mask

Introduction to Pet Leashes:

  • Pet Leashes are items that can be used to protect your pets upon a neutral/chaotic death.
  • You can only apply 1 pet leash per pet.
Introduction to Pet Hunter Mask
  • Pet Hunter Mask will be a mask that has a 50% chance to negate pet leashes and +2.5% Outgoing DMG

New Boss Enchant Gems
New Gems:

  • Adrenaline Rush (Max LVL 3) [Boss]: Chance to kick your senses into max throttle and give an adrenaline rush to run away
  • Infectious (Max LVL 3) [Boss]: Chance to temporarily inflect an infection onto a player.
/skins /pets /enchants /masks

What is /pets, /enchants, and /skins

  • You can view all of the pets, enchants, masks, and skins that MidnightSky has by running /skins, /pets, /enchants, and /masks.
Bugs/QoL/Misc Changes
  • Fixed an issue with power dampeners having incorrect lore and functionality. Power Dampeners were always intended to decrease the power usage of bots in a chunk by 1% per block. [This was the main reason why XP hourly yields were so high]
  • Fixed Jackpot XP not working as intentionally from Forsaken Underworld Legendary Chests
  • Adventure Level 100 will now give -2 kills per chest, +15% Adventure DMG, Increased Mini-boss chances.
  • Added Ka'Thar's axe into the correct loot pool.