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Patch Notes [v1] MidnightSky: Solstice

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Jan 29, 2024

MidnightSky: Solstice | Change Log

New Store Prices
Air Drops
Island tools
Island Crop - Bamboo
/is set-time
Duels - Wages, Kits, Spectating
Fast Place Seeds
Removed Deadzone
Set Rebalancing
Miniboss Rebalancing
New Mob AI
Island Accumulation Tracking for EXP
PvP Toggle to Permission Blocks
Island Expansion Update
Toggle Profiles
Heroic Pity System
Island Heroic Slight Rework
New Chat Colors
IRL Trading Allowed
Rebinding allowed on ISLANDS
Collection Chest Paid Labour

Store Update
We have reduced prices significantly, meaning sales wont happen nearly as often. We welcome you to our server with two gift card bundles to announce the return of MidnightSky!

$100 Gift Card Bundle
3x Stat Rerolls, 10 Slots, 1 Lucky Lucy Pet and 1 Suppressed Bandit Mask
$250 Gift Card Bundle
25x Slots, 1 Bandit Mask, and 3x Lootbox Solstice

Air Drops
Throughout each adventure there will be 10 locations where Air Drops can land, giving strong loot.

These chests will fall from the sky and burn the ground on impact, revealing a chest with loot to grab.

Island Tools
  • There are now unique island tools found in the shop that will replace your standard hoe, pickaxe, island weapon, and fishing rod.
  • These new tools will level up with usage, and each time they level up, they will obtain a random buff or ability as a reward.
  • After reaching certain levels, your tool will change into its appropriate tier material, so your stone axe will turn into a stone pickaxe after you hit level 2, and into an iron pickaxe later on.​
  • Some of the abilities and effects can stack, giving a stronger effect the more it stacks.
PickaxeFishing Rod
HoeIsland Sword

We added bamboo in place of pitcher plant :)

Duels allow you to face off against your friends or foes.
  • Duel it out in a proper arena and place a wager on your win.
  • You can use kits or your own inventory, no matter!
  • You can start by typing /duel {player}
  • Spectate a duel with /duel list

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Fast Place Seeds
There is a new /toggle that you can enable that will let you place seeds in a 5x5 all at once. This is QOL to help make farms faster!

Mob AI Changes
  • Safe Spotting Detection has had an overhaul and is much more accurate now. At first it was so accurate that it made fighting most bosses and mobs impossible, so we have added an artificial nerf to it.
  • Bosses have had their targeting logic reworked, which should make them less boring.

Island Exp/Min Tracking
While you are farming/mining/fishing/slaying, you will notice a number above your hot bar showing your average exp/min.

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PVP Toggle on Permission Blocks
You will notice that in permission blocks, you can enable PVP within the permission block's Area of Effect.
Players killed within this region will just respawn at the default island spawn.
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Paid Labour (Collection Chests)
Within collection chests, you will notice there is a new option. If the purchase price is non-zero, the chest will pay players a set amount for the items it takes from them.
The money will come out of the collection chest's balance, which you can refill within its GUI (shift right click the chest).

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Island Expansion Rework
Island expansions got a major rework. Now, instead of 9 different expansion islands, we have one upgradable expansion island. You obtain expansion fragments from iron+ tiered missions.
  • To craft the expansion, you will be required to do hard mission for Slaying, Mining, Farming, and Fishing. Obtaining 1 fragment from each of these skills, will allow you to craft the expansion (Total: 4 fragments, 1 of each skill).
  • These expansions are now filled with upgrades, that can be bought only after preforming a certain amount of actions on your island.
  • To access the upgrade GUI, perform the /is expansion on your expansion island.
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Heroic Pity System
  • Players who grind for heroics will know it can be unbearable when 50 hours passes without one. So this season we are adding a “pity” system, so all players who put in the time can obtain them. A counter will be displayed in your scoreboard, showing how many t5 mobs you must defeat to obtain the rarest items in MidnightSky.

Heroic Island Missions
  • Recap: Island missions provide access to skill specific sets, thesee missions also allow players to obtain is expansion fragments (iron+), and heroic skin fragments.
  • When completing a heroic mission, players will get 1 skill (slaying, mining, farming) and tiered (Chain, Iron, Diamond) specific skin fragment
  • When combined with their respective tiers, they create a heroic island skin

You can now add things to your /showcase, which will be preserved across seasons so you can showcase your progress throughout the seasons you have played.

New Chat Colours Available!
There are many new chat colours available on the store now!
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IRL Trading Allowed
  • IRL Trading will no longer be against the rules.
  • You trade at your own risk, MidnightSky is not responsible for any losses, scams, or kerfuffles that happen as a result.
  • You may use external discords to facilitate these trades, such as Minecoin.
  • We will not allow facilitation, or mentions of IRL Trading in-game. Please use discord instead.

Rebinding on Islands
  • We are allowing you all to rebind your attack key to your spacebar only on your island for the purpose of slaying mobs.

Small Balancing Changes
  • Updated legendary and mythic loot for all advs
  • Moved skins between adv for better balance
  • Updated realm lootboxes
  • Added all gems to Max Gem Crates
  • Updated tier 3 champion lootpools
  • Increased miniboss spawn rates
  • Buffed Bandit Assassin and Tree Protector gear
  • Nerfed saj bow
  • Farming bots now have increased radius
  • Titanium power adapters added to late game diamond adv
  • Nerfed xp drops in early adv
  • Nerfed seed drops from island
  • Ap shop updated
  • Reduced dust from ap 4-6 mobs in all advs
  • Increased ap gain from t1-5
  • Bots drastically reduced from islands
  • Price changes in shop
  • Buffed boss slayer
  • Updated all miniboss stats in an attempt to balance them
  • Minibosses cant spam dmg abilites
  • Added suppressed mask fragments to common and uncommon chests
  • Reduced Fishing Times

Small Reworks
  • Default limit of 4 for auction house listings, +2 for each rank above trainee
  • Reordered challenges
  • Rework Replant so that it is split into more levels and requires an amount of progression work to unlock each level
  • Add invulnerability frames to players and mobs, the vanilla version was broken in the 1.20.2 -> 1.21.1 conversion
  • Increased fishing speed

  • Add visuals to pet cooldown, so pet turns into an X while on cooldown.
  • Reworked boss room entry method
  • Auction house - Sort by unit price
  • Auction house - Show trimmed mean as average
  • Changed “/alliance info” format
  • Relaxed capitalisation restrictions
  • No more censoring in alliance chat
  • Rearraged /ah
  • /disposal
  • Adventure GameMode in adventure
  • Add how much is in jackpot to jackpot notification messages

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed island recipes sometimes being able to be claimed twice
  • Fixed Cash Drop Pet not giving the displayed amount of boost
  • Fixed sometimes deleting drops when you are killed chaotic
  • Fixed a bug where everyone would get the perks of the first level adventure skills even if they were level 0
  • Fixed progress bar in mind rot boss ability
  • Fixed combat loggers
  • Fixed off-center item drops from bots
  • Fixed Crates only giving one item for items the lore says have a range
  • Reduced aim checks and fishing captchas
  • Fixed Cash Increase Effect in adventure
  • Fixed nodes being place-able by whitelisted players on islands
  • Fixed bug with furnaces where they would only smelt one item then stop (caused by changes to recipes in 1.21.1)
  • Fixed /r
  • Sorta fixed the progression unlock broadcasts on island
  • Disabled announcements in hub
  • Fixed bug with recipes
  • Fixed being able to buy your own auction listing
  • Disallowed using broken tools
  • Fixed speed bug
  • Fixed transplant effect


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